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Parish Activities

Our parish has a strong choral tradition and our choir includes members of all ages. The choir practices on Thursday evenings and sings the service twice a month in All Saints’ church. For information on being part of the choir please contact The Parish Office @ office@stmichanschurch.ie
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Mother’s Union
The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families of all faiths and none through practical outreach, prayer and advocating family friendly policies within both government and public life. Membership is not exclusive to mothers—nor to women!—and participation is open to all who are concerned for the care of family and community life.
Visit Mother’s Union All Ireland to find out more.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#f7c51e”][vc_column_text]
St. Michan’s Shop –
A team of dedicated volunteers staff the shop in St. Michan’s to welcome visitors. Here visitors can purchase tickets for guided tours of the crypt and browse a selection of souvenirs. For more information on training to become a shop volunteer please contact the Parish Office at (01) 8724154 or email office@stmichanschurch.ie
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Flower Rota
Flowers in the church are provided on a voluntary basis by members of the congregation. Extra contributions are especially appreciated at major festivals including Christmas, Easter and All Saints’ Day! Contact the Parish Office (01) 8724154 for further information.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#f7c51e”][vc_column_text]
Sunday School
Contact the Parish Office for enquiries regarding Sunday School. St Werburgh’s Church is presently undergoing renovations and is closed for Services and for public visits.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#f7c51e”][vc_column_text]
St. Paul’s Indoor Bowls Club
Due to a lack of new members, it was with great regret to cease St Paul’s Indoor Bowls Club.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#f7c51e”][vc_column_text]
Damer Court
Damer Court is an independent living housing complex situated on Upper Wellington Street in Dublin. Arising out of the benevolent culture of early eighteenth-century Dublin, we are one of the oldest charities in the city. For the greater part, Damer Court is home to persons in regular employment, those of retirement age, students and trainees. Damer Court is administered by a board of governors (mainly Church of Ireland members) with day-to-day operations being under the supervision of a house manager and assistants who offer full 24 hour supervision throughout the year.
For information on applying to live in Damer Court please contact Michael Kenny at michaelkenny.damercourt@gmail.com.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#f7c51e”][vc_column_text]
The Guild of All Saints’
On All Saints’ day 1875, Dr Maturin founded the guild (which still exists today) to incorporate the several branches of parochial workers into a religious organisation connected with the Church. These included, the choir, the various youth organisations, the Mothers’ Union, the sanctuary guild, the sewing guild, the Sunday School, the parochial Library, the Savings Bank, the mission branch, and the Temperance branch(!). In essence, the secular works of the Church. The guild has a Rule of Life which requires its members to be regular at worship, in particular the service of Holy Communion; to practice hospitality; and to be regular in prayer and support the church in any practical way possible. Among the many notable Guild meetings were those held by Dr Maturin who wrote on subjects such as: Preparation for the observance of Advent; The Epistle to the Romans; Doctrinal differences between the churches of England and Rome; The state of the Faithful Departed. Canon Hogan continued this last discussion in citing the collect which may be used before the Blessing at the close of Holy Communion (BCP), which begins, Almighty God, with whom do live the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord… and he stated ‘…those who put it there can scarcely have realised its full significance. It is really a prayer for the dead as well as for the living’.
All Saints’ has for many years been the focus of dignity and solemnity in liturgy and of radical social reform within the Church of Ireland and it can be summed up in the words of Archdeacon Jenkins ‘…the church and its organisations are the logical expression of belief, centred in the Incarnation, the Word made Flesh, the Altar, the Eucharistic worship, the pleading of the Cross of Calvary, the new life springing from the Resurrection; here is the heart of parochial life. Sanctuary and street were bound together in conjunction indissoluble, and separation would be fatal for both… All things come of Thee and of Thine own have we given Thee’.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″]
The Parish Newsletter
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Weekly Services and Activities
† Thursday,
6-7 pm, Choir Practice, All Saints’ Parish Hall
11:30 am, Holy Communion, All Saints’
10 am, Holy Communion, St. Michan’s